
Communication for Business Professionals: Canadian Edition 2018

On the first weekend in March 2018, Program Managers from eCampusOntario gathered with Business faculty from Ontario colleges to adapt existing Business resources in openlibrary.ecampusontario.ca for use in foundations of business courses. Two teams worked to update and align the existing open resources to Ontario college introductory business outcomes and objectives. Two textbooks for introductory-level business teaching and learning were created, Business Fundamentals, and this book, Communication for Business Professionals.

Business Communication for Success Adaptations

A group of three college educators, see table below for members, worked their way through the original textbook offering suggestions for updates and highlighted spots where interactivities would assist comprehension. The adaptation team felt that a significant reduction of content to align with Canadian college curriculum and added Canadian examples were keys for success in the revision. The original textbook was reduced from 19 chapters down to 12. Each educator worked on four chapters related to presentations and communication, eliminating the writing advice of the textbook. A separate writing advice workbook (that has not been adapted) will be created to supplement the Communication for Business Professionals textbook.

Two additional open textbooks were used to remix some of the content of the 12 chapters as follows:

Communication in the Real World: An Introduction to Communication Studies was created by a publisher who has requested that they and the original author not receive attribution. It was originally released and is used under CC BY-NC-SA. The original work and this adaptation unless otherwise expressly stated, are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Additional content was added from Understanding Media and Culture: An Introduction to Mass Communication by a publisher who has requested that they and the original author not receive attribution, which was originally released and is used under CC BY-NC-SA. This work, unless otherwise expressly stated, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

A graphic designer was consulted to create some new graphics to help communicate the key learning points in the adapted textbook. eCampusOntario Program Managers built interactivities using H5P to provide active practice aligned with the learning outcomes of each chapter. They edited the figures, charts, and text and cited sources using APA citation style.

Major Enhancements

  1. Removal of business writing for communication chapters for a separate workbook.
  2. Reordering of chapters to the current 12 chapters.
  3. Addition of a new chapter (chapter 12), Digital Media and Communications.
  4. Canadian language, spelling, and examples where possible.
  5. Development of consistent APA style for citations, figures, tables, and references.
  6. Addition of new graphics and icons to improve curriculum design.
  7. Revision and addition of learning outcomes and chapter previews to create a clear learning path.
  8. Threaded real-world examples with three business personas, Abe, Dhavit, and Naiomi.
  9. Check Your Understanding active practice opportunities for each chapter.

The Teams

Communication for Business Professionals    (This book!)
Team Fun: Business Fundamentals
Michelle Grimes, Conestoga College        Nitsa Andres, Fanshawe College
Shauna Roch, Fanshawe College        Matt Hutchinson, Lambton College
David Simon, Lambton College        Jim Johnston, Fanshawe College
Terry Greene, eCampusOntario Anela Tomac, Conestoga College
Jenni Hayman, eCampusOntario Joanne Kehoe, eCampusOntario
Peggy French, eCampusOntario

About eCampusOntario

eCampusOntario is a not-for-profit corporation funded by the Government of Ontario. It serves as a centre of excellence in online and technology-enabled learning for all publicly funded colleges and universities in Ontario and has embarked on a bold mission to widen access to post-secondary education and training in Ontario. This textbook is part of eCampusOntario’s open textbook library, which provides free learning resources in a wide range of subject areas. These open textbooks can be assigned by instructors for their classes and can be downloaded by learners to electronic devices or printed. These free and open educational resources are customizable to meet a wide range of learning needs, and we invite instructors to review and adopt the resources for use in their courses.


Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

Communication for Business Professionals Copyright © 2018 by eCampusOntario is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.